Saturday, February 9, 2008

Buffalo Auto Show

Today, I went to the Buffalo Auto Show (with a co-worker and his daughter). The main reason I wanted to attend was the see the new Dodge Challenger, but more on that later.

It was fairly crowded as expected, especially on the Dodge/Chevy/Ford floor. Most of the people centered around the new Camaro, the Bullitt Ford Mustang, Corvette and the Dodge Charger "Super Bee."

The first display we went to was the Bullitt Mustang which had the new 2008 Mustang, in a dark Forest Green, and next to it was a flat screen display of the original chase scene straight out of the movie "Bullitt."

A lot of the older spectators were gathered around the screen talking about how they miss Steve McQueen and how they thought this was the best "chase scene" ever filmed. Overall, the Bullitt Mustang was one of the most crowded displays on the floor.

Afterward, I headed over to the Dodge/Chrysler part of the floor. It was then when the biggest disappointment of the day hit Dodge Challenger. In fact, when people were looking at the Super Bee they were also complaining how let down they were since the Challenger was no where to be found. I must admit that was the biggest reason I wanted to go since I've always been fond of the Challengers and Barracudas of the 70's.

In all, it wasn't a bad day to spend a Saturday. I wish I could have gotten a pic of the Bullitt Mustang but people kept crowding the car and would even walk in front of those who were focusing their cameras on the car...some people just don't get it. Oh well, there's always next year.

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