Sunday, March 30, 2008

What The World Eats, Part III

"The Dudos vividly remember the starvation their city endured during the many years of war. They are grateful that they can now buy enough food to fill up Rasim's taxi."


Sunday's Links

Top 9 Gas Saving Tips

Companion Planting

Top 10 Most Prophetic Science Fiction Movies Ever

67 Celebrities Who Are Scientologists

What's Your Sleep Personality?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Smell Of Moondust

"Moondust. 'I wish I could send you some,' says Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan. Just a thimbleful scooped fresh off the lunar surface. "It's amazing stuff."

Feel it—it's soft like snow, yet strangely abrasive.

Taste it—"not half bad," according to Apollo 16 astronaut John Young.

Sniff it—"it smells like spent gunpowder," says Cernan.

How do you sniff moondust?"


Man With 11st Leg Tumour

" A man lies in hospital hoping for emergency treatment - on an 11 stone tumour."


Giant Marine Life Found In Antarctica

"Scientists who conducted the most comprehensive survey to date of New Zealand's Antarctic waters were surprised by the size of some specimens found, including jellyfish with 12-foot tentacles and 2-foot-wide starfish."

Thanks, Chrissy

Space Tourism

"Entrepreneurs of the new commercial space age plan to start test flights in 2010 of a practical four-engine rocket ship that will take people on Mach 2 thrill rides up to 200,000 feet and which also has the interest of the Air Force."


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Salary Search

"Search salaries from over 50 million jobs in the past year."


Turn Your PC Into A DVD Ripping Monster

"Commercial DVDs are far too expensive to let scratches turn your video into a glorified coaster, but most people still don't back up their DVD collection. Once upon a time, the four to eight gigabyte footprint of a DVD on your hard drive was prohibitively large. But since the price of a gigabyte has plummeted, ripping your entire DVD collection to your computer is not just possible, it's prudent—and it's easy."


Left Behind

"A fond farewell to 209 once-common things that are either obsolete or well on the way."


Sunday, March 23, 2008

50 Great Things To Do With Tennis Balls

"Since they wear out and lose their bounce quickly, most tennis balls simply end up in the garbage when they stop being useful on the court. If you can’t stand to throw them away, they tend to pile up quickly - so what can you do with them?"


Careful: Banks Are Watching

"They know about that morning coffee and Danish you bought with a debit card. They also know about the money you transferred from an online savings account to your local checking account. And if, by chance, you wired cash to a shell company fronting for a prostitution ring — they definitely know about that. Every day, banks and other financial institutions monitor hundreds of millions of transactions, looking for unusual patterns that could be a sign of anything from money laundering to terrorism financing to identity theft."


What The World Eats, Part II

Second part of the pictorial from which lists families from around the world and how much they normally spend weekly on groceries.


Pic Of The Day

Saturday, March 22, 2008

100 Best TV Shows Of All-Time

"First, I apologize. I know I left some of your favorite shows off this list. How do I know that? Because I left some of my favorite shows off this list. The happy and unfortunate fact is that there are far more than 100 great shows, and more created every year. Lists are incredibly important: they are how we define what matters to us, what we want entertainment and art to do, what we expect of our culture."


World's Most Expensive Foods

"The world of the rich and famous is fascinating for many of us. They lead the life many of us want and they do what we only dream of us. Being a food fanatic, this time we’ll have a look at the most expensive foods in the world, most expensive drinks, desserts or spices."


50 Weird Science Tidbits & Oddities

"In my surfing journeys through the internet’s reefs and shoals, I’ve encountered some really strange stuff. Factoids hardly anybody knows, about pretty much anything that might turn up as subject matter in a rousing championship match of Trivial Pursuit down at the pub on Thursday night. Some of these are real crowd pleasers sure to draw spontaneous applause, stunned gasps, and plenty of free beers from admirers."


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Abandoned But Not Forgotten

"In almost any town there is an abandoned building that has history to why it is left to rot but not that many people seek out why or what has become of the building, house etc. We hope to educate people that these places are of interest and can provide for some really cool pictures as long as we in general do not destroy them. When going exploring for others like to explore to and each deserve a chance to explore just like you did. And for the People that seem to destroy these places ABNF holds no responsibility for anything you do and in fact hope you get caught for your own stupidity."


"In 10 seconds create a reflection of a picture."


69 Techie Uses For Duct Tape

"As one of the world’s most useful products, pretty much everyone loves duct tape but techies seem to have a special place in their hearts for the versatile adhesive. From the practical to the slightly silly, here is a list of some of the best techie uses for duct tape."


Password Meter

"This application is designed to assess the strength of password strings. The instantaneous visual feedback provides the user a means to improve the strength of their passwords, with a hard focus on breaking the typical bad habits of faulty password formulation. Since no official weighting system exists, we created our own formulas to assess the overall strength of a given password."


MP3's Please

"The World's Greatest Mp3 Search Engine!" they say. I tried this out last night and it does have a large database of songs. There weren't many groups/songs that I couldn't find. Good thing to listen to if you want to discover new bands.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Guerrilla Mail

Flore Images

"This website provides you with disposable e-mail addresses which expire after 15 Minutes. You can read and reply to e-mails that are sent to the temporary e-mail address within the given time frame."


Top 10 Barely Legal Gadgets For The Modern Spy

"Here are listed 10 categories of devices you can buy to make you feel like a James Bond, from laser beams that cut things to x-ray goggles that see through clothes to CSI grade forensic lab hardware."


10 Ideas That Are Changing The World

"More than money, more than politics, ideas are the secret power that this planet runs on. Here are a few you need to know about."


Ways To Access "Must Sign In To View" Sites

"This happens many times to me: I search on Google for a problem I’m having with my computer, click on a search result, reach the site (most of the time, it’s a forum), and boom! I have to register in order to view the solution on the page. Or worse, on some occasions, they want me to pay them to view the page."


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rejected Star Wars Merchandise

"All told, we cranked out well over 100 concepts that were taken to final art, and easily 300 that didn’t make it that far. No part of Star Wars was too small to think about, no character too minor. I’ve never had a situation before or since where someone said to take your favorite subject and do whatever you want with it. Nothing was too crazy or expensive to try."


...Look There's Big Ben, And There's Parliament

"How well do you know landmarks? Take the quiz below and see if you can name the landmark with an aerial view of the location."


Everyone Needs A Trunk Monkey

myspace layouts

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

20 Unfortunate Product Names

"The first list in this series (Top 10 Unfortunate Product Names) was very popular and it inspired one of our readers to send in an additional 20 unfortunate products. For your viewing pleasure, may I introduce another 20 unfortunate (to say the least) product names:"


Eight Of The Most Disgusting Food Delicacies

"Be amazed at what unusual and disgusting foods are considered delicacies around the world. You may want to rethink some of those trips you have planned."


Hi-Diddly Ho, Neighborino!

"We all love The Simpsons right? A lot of people really don't realize how much Matt Groening likes to reference movies in his episodes. There are a few here I didn't even realize he did. 100% credit goes to Actualidad Simpsons., a Simpson's fansite. They update this archive a lot, so check them out when you get the chance."


How To Win A NASCAR Race (unlike this guy)

"The key to winning a NASCAR race is understanding the forces that impact the car-and how to cope with them. Here's a look at the physics of NASCAR's vaunted Car of Tomorrow, built in an attempt to lessen driver injuries and fatalities."


What Is Your Dumbest Purchase Ever?

"Debtkid, feeling buyer's remorse about his 1 a.m. purchase of a Nintendo DS Lite that has since been gathering dust, is holding a contest for the stupidest purchase ever. He's gotten quite a response from readers and other bloggers. The winner will get his DS Lite."


World’s Oldest Animation, 5,200 Years Old

"An Italian team of archaeologists unearthed the goblet in the 1970s from a burial site in Iran’s Burnt City, but it was only recently that researchers noticed the images on the bowl tell an animated visual story."


Monday, March 10, 2008

Guess What This Is...

Have no clue? Click here to find out.

Insane Sandwiches

"Warning: These foods may kill you. It's breakfast-for-lunch day at the BuzzFeed office, but these heart-stopping sandwiches are all we can think about. Send us more examples if ya got 'em."

food network images

This Is Right Up My Alley

"Lack of time is the number one excuse people give for not working out so why squander precious moments on exercises that are inefficient, ineffective or just plain unsafe?"Ralf Henning, author of 'Four Way Burn' offers his opinion on moves and techniques that should be banished from your workout for wasting time or worse -- putting you at risk for injuries."


Illegal And Dangerous Soap Box Racing

"I've been doing dumb and dangerous stuff for years," Paul de Valera,36, said with a strange sort of exasperated enthusiasm during a conversation a few days earlier at his one-man Atomic Cycles bicycle shop in Van Nuys. Paul and his friend Tick One (it's a name he chose)are the S.F.V.I.S.B.F.'s co-instigators and currently act as the group's half-serious organizers and fun-first spiritual advisors. "It's stupidity," Paul added, "and it infects all of us."


In The Year 2525

"If civilisation is wiped out on Earth, salvation may come from space. Plans are being drawn up for a “Doomsday ark” on the moon containing the essentials of life and civilisation, to be activated in the event of earth being devastated by a giant asteroid or nuclear war.

Construction of a lunar information bank, discussed at a conference in Strasbourg last month, would provide survivors on Earth with a remote-access toolkit to rebuild the human race."


Sunday, March 9, 2008

AP Probe Finds Drugs In Drinking Water

"A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows."


Beam Me Up, Scotty

"So when did science fiction become science fact, eh? After reading this, you may just discover that we’re a lot closer to the technology in Star Trek than you might think..."


Top 10 Food And Drink Hacks

"You may not be able to power and iPod with an onion, but there are plenty of neat tricks and techniques that actually do work with everyday foods. We've posted dozens of food- and beverage-related stories here at Lifehacker over the past three years, but today we've compiled the top 10 most clever, interesting, fun, and useful food hacks of them all, with video clips. Come on in to check 'em out."


Pic Of The Day

Money Celebrity Picture Gallery

"There's a new craze going in United Kingdom - people take pictures of themselves partially covered with folded banknotes (mostly with queen Elizabeth) in the foreground. The result is merged faces of people and queen Elizabeth on the banknotes. The mix looks surprisingly natural for some."


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Land Of The Ice And Snow

Earlier today, when I was out and about running errands, I was doing so in 20 degree weather and strong winds. In fact, many of Saturday's events were shut down in quite a few towns (church gatherings, school events, luncheons..etc). With the snow covered roads I, along with everyone else, was putting along at 35 mph or so. So, my errand running day should have been about three and a half hours instead of five. The only good thing about this kind of weather is you can find a good parking spot since most of the smart ones are in the cozy confines of home.

Audio Slideshow

Stuart Brown describes Norbert Rosing's striking images of a wild polar bear playing with sled dogs in the wilds of Canada's Hudson Bay.


Lost City Of Chernobyl

"On the 26th of April 1986 shortly after midnight, to be precise, at 1:23 GMT, there occurred near the Ukrainian town of Chornobyl a tremendous explosion at a huge nuclear power plant, followed by a gradual meltdown of the reactor No. 4.

Chornobyl is situated 80 miles north-west of Kiev, the ancient capital of Ukraine and the Soviet Union’s third largest city.

It was by far the worst nuclear reactor accident ever, which immediately sent a radioactive cloud across neighbouring Byelorussia, Poland and the Baltic Republics towards Scandinavia.

Within days, borne by shifting winds, radioactive mists wafted beyond Soviet borders and spread across most of Europe causing anxiety, apprehension and fear.

The most badly affected were the Republics of Ukraine and Byelorussia. They suffered large scale involuntary irradiation, due to extensive secrecy, and great economic damage. Furthermore the contaminated air mass passed over large areas of Poland and also over parts of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia and a number of West European countries."


Mmmmm...Sweet, Frosty Goodness

Today, while I was running errands, I noticed on Mcdonald's billboard they had Shamrock Shakes for a limited time. So, being that I haven't had a shake in a few months (that's actually a record for me) I had to give in to my demons.

Out of curiosity, I looked up the caloric info online and found it to be around 1100 calories. So, I did the only thing a smart, health conscience person would do...I drank a Slim-Fast shake to counterbalance it and did 10 sit-ups. I think it worked out well, as I don't feel any guilt and I feel a couple of pounds lighter :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pic Of The Day

What Happens To Your Body Within An Hour Of Drinking A Coke

"Don’t drink cola if you want to be healthy. Consuming soft drinks is bad for so many reasons that science cannot even state all the consequences. But one thing we know for sure is that drinking Coke, as a representative of soft drinks, wreaks havoc on the human organism.

When somebody drinks a Coke watch what happens…"


What The World Eats, Part 1

I found a neat article on It's a pictorial on families from around the world and what they normally eat during the course of a week. It lists their location, what they spend weekly on groceries and their favorite foods. I did notice one thing - Coca Cola is a popular beverage around the world. Pfftt, and they say drinking soda is bad for you.


Stupid Is As Stupid Does

"When releasing a bear from a trap, always make sure the trap is secured to the truck. Fish and Game guys release an ungrateful bear."
