Sunday, July 27, 2008

Compilation Of Darwin Award Winners

10 Of The Best In Hollywood Who Never Won An Oscar

"This list contains men and women who never received Oscars in their respective fields but definitely at some point deserved one. This list does not include Honorary Oscars or Lifetime Achievement Award Oscars."


Monday, July 21, 2008

Bunny Letter Opener

Lost In Space

"What really happened to Russia's missing cosmonauts? An incredible tale of space hacking, espionage and death in the lonely reaches of space."


Gangsters: They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To

"...I know! I should have been outside. But in my defense, it was a very nasty, humid weekend. At least a couple of the shows were educational - I found the gangsters documentary oddly fascinating, and thought that you guys would too. Here’s what I learned:"


The 10 Drunk People You Don't Want To Meet At The Bar

"You probably despise them when you bump into one on a night out, but they are a bountiful source of entertainment. Only if you like making fun of other people's misfortunes, that is. These 10 social trainwrecks ensure your night out is anything but dull. The 10 people you don't want to meet at the bar make you feel that much better about yourself."


Thursday, July 10, 2008

10 Richest People Of All Time And How They Made Their Fortunes

"Quick: who is the richest man of all time? Bill Gates? Warren Buffet? Not even close, though there's no denying they're very, very rich. The richest man of all time, when wealth is measured as a percentage of the national economy, was John D. Rockefeller, whose fortunes made Gates' and Buffet's look downright puny."


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Inside A Beatles Record - A Day In The Life

30+ Awesome Sites For Streaming Music

"Whether you’re interested in general streaming music, mixtapes, music discovery, or more, the Internet offers a plethora of streaming music services."


Wednesday's Links

Send Your Name To The Moon

Advertising vs Reality

The Letter Always Wins

Forgotten Medical Cures

Top 10 Perfectly Pure Gadgets

Top 10 Greatest Epic Poems

"Modern poets tend to avoid the epic style poetry of the past - but there can be no doubt that many of them were influenced greatly by these poems. This is a selection of the most well known epic poems from before the 20th century. While it is tempting to add the likes of Howl by Ginsberg and modernize the list, it would mean removing at least one of the great epics listed here - so 20th century poetry will be left for another list."


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

10 Great Software Programs You Can Get For Gratis

"Bergen Record PC columnist Peter Grad closes out the latest season of his column with a rundown of some of the best free software available on the Web. Some of it is open source, some isn't, but it's all free (as in beer) and useful, he writes."


25 Absolute Essentials For Networking Success

"In business, it is often said that success is determined not by what you know but by who you know. Additionally, the level of your success is determined greatly by the quality of your relationships with others."
