Sunday, June 29, 2008

Top 10 Common Errors Made In Cooking

"I am a fanatic when it comes to doing things “perfectly” in the kitchen and have, consequently, read everything I can get my hands on about cooking. I am an amateur, but at least I am a reasonably well informed amateur! This list is a guide to help save you from some of the most common cooking errors we all make."


Devo Sues McDonald's

"This New Wave Nigel doll that they've created is just a complete Devo rip-off and the red hat is exactly the red hat that I designed, and it's copyrighted and trademarked."


Sunday's Links

Chinese Fake Brands

My Dog Loves My Ram

Ten Things You Didn't Know About You

Only In New York (pic)

9 Extraordinary Human Abilities

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Top 10 Most Spoken Languages In The World

"Language is perhaps the most important function of the human body - it allows us to get sustenance as a child, it allows us to get virtually anything we want as an adult, and it allows us many hours of entertainment through literature, radio, music, and films. This list (in order of least to most spoken) summarizes the most important languages in use today."


5 Unexpected Ways To Clean With Vinegar

"...white vinegar is the original miracle cleaning product. It's cheap, you can buy it in bulk, it's not particularly harsh and it works on almost anything. To prove it to you (or so you can prove it to yourself) here are 5 unexpected ways to clean with vinegar:"


8 Free, Cross-Platform Apps for Musicians

"Like most of us when we’re in the studio, it’s hard to get me to work with anything other than the industry standards; Pro Tools, Reason, Logic (which sort of falls into that category), and so on. But given the rising prices of just about everything under the sun, not to mention the chronic emptiness of the musician’s wallet, it’s worth taking a look at the alternatives out there that can be had for free."


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

DIY: Skip The Mechanic for Simple Car Tasks

"I gave it a shot and I changed my own brakes pads and discs. All in all, it was pretty darn easy and at the end of the process, I saved roughly $250. Now I am Mr. Fix it and have spent a lot of time doing car maintenance myself. It's been a learning process but I've found some great resources to share."


Wednesday's Links

How To Remove A Stuck Ring

14 Songs You Should Never Play In A Bar

50 Famous People Who Have Been Shot

How To Save Your Own Life In 12 Do Or Die Situations

How I Paid Off $35,000 In Debt...And How You Can Too

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Drive-In Theater Turns 75

"On June 6, 2008 the flag flying over the U.S. Capitol will commemorate the 75th birthday of a distinctive slice of Americana: the drive-in movie theater.

It was on that day in 1933 that Richard Hollingshead opened the first theater for the auto-bound in Camden, N.J. People paid 25 cents per car as well as per person to see the British comedy Wives Beware under the stars."


Top 15 Psychological Thrillers

"Psychological thrillers are my favorite types of film. They hold the majority of positions in my DVD collection and are the ones I watch most often. Nothing can beat the heart racing as you anticipate the next move and better yet, these films don’t need to be filled with gore and blood to shock and frighten. These are films that involve the brain - not just the senses. So here are my pick of the ten best psychological thrillers ever. As usual, if you don’t agree - or simply think of others that would be great for an extended list, mention it in the comments. Competition: this list includes a competition. More information is given at the bottom of the article."


35 Ways To Watch Television Without Cable or Satellite

"While I cannot vouch for the legality or the quality of all of these websites, here are 35 different ways you can still catch your favorite shows and web videos without paying for cable or satellite TV. Where possible, I have taken a blurb from each site’s “About” page to give you a little more info about them."


50 Office Phrases You Love To Hate

"Management speak - don't you just hate it? Emphatically yes, judging by readers' responses to writer Lucy Kellaway's campaign against office jargon. Here, we list 50 of the best worst examples."


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Martian Skies

"What more do we know about Mars' atmosphere? It's hundreds of times thinner than Earth's atmosphere and is made of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and contains traces of oxygen, water, and methane. We also know, from observations that it can support dust storms, dust devils, clouds and gusty winds. With an amazing number of six current live probes exploring Mars (two rovers, a lander, and three orbiters), there are many thousands of images available. Only a few, however show atmospheric phenomena. Presented here are some of the best images of Martian atmosphere (and beyond) in action."


Sunday's Links

Preparing Food At Home Cheaply With Minimal Space And Resources

Police Helicopter's Encounter With UFO

Sarcasm As Evolutionary Survival Skill

Maggot Cheese

Bizarro Deluxe Caller ID (pic)

65 Famous People Who Lost It All

"Personal finance is all over the news lately what with the economy being in full on meltdown mode. It’s not always just average people who struggle though. Sometimes people make fortunes only to lose them later, for all sorts of reasons. We’ve compiled a list of 65 famous people who found themselves destitute despite once having been extremely well off. On to the list:"


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday's Links

How To Answer 23 Of The Most Common Interview Questions

Cat Adopts Rat

Study Finds Video Games Increase Student Achievement

Venus Passing In Front Of Sun (pic)

Is Shopdropping A Crime?

'Til Death Do Us Part

"As far as lifelong friendships go, Muschi thinks her large and loveable friend Maeuschen is the cat's pyjamas.

The feline, which struck up the unlikely friendship with the 40-year-old Asian bear eight years ago, now can't bear to be apart from her friend.

In fact, the pair are so close that zookeepers at Berlin Zoo had to reunite them after Muschi, or 'pussy' in German, pined for Maeuschen - 'little mouse' - after they were separated."


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Top 10 Most Controversial Non-Fiction Books

"Having already covered controversy in movies, it is time to move on to controversy in literature. I have intentionally left off books that have been dealt with in other lists Links are included for the purchase of any of the books on this list courtesy of This list also includes a competition. The details can be read at the bottom of the list."


Sign Post Forest

"In 1942, in the middle of nowhere, an Army engineer posted the sign "Danville, Illinois, 2835 miles" to mark his hometown while building the Alaska Highway. That started the tradition of adding one’s hometown signs to the heap. Now, there are close to 50,000 65,000 signs in what became known as The Sign Post Forest."


Sunday's Links

Great Art Parodies

(Amazing) Pictures From The Sky

Turn New Photos Into Ones That Look A 100 Years Older

Make Your Own Cardboard Box Solar Oven

Force Of Nature (pic)

Pig In Boots: Porker Who's Afraid Of The Mud

"You can't get much happier than a pig in muck, or so we are told.

But when this little piggy arrived in the farmyard she showed a marked reluctance to get her trotters dirty.

While her six brothers and sisters messed around in the mire, she stayed on the edge shaking. It is thought she might have mysophobia - a fear of dirt.

Owners Debbie and Andrew Keeble were at a loss, until they remembered the four miniature wellies used as pen and pencil holders in their office. They slipped them on the piglet's feet - and into the mud she happily ploughed."


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Top 100 Movies Posters

"A great movie poster is a hard thing to find. Most posters are cut and paste jobs that don't sell the movie very well at all. A great poster should intrigue, shock, inspire & excite. It should be aesthetically beautiful or original. Above all, it should be so memorable that a single glance will be instantly recognizable."


Sunday's Links

How To Tune A Piano Yourself

New Airport Body Scan Sees Through Clothing

Worst Batman Squirt Toy Ever (pic)

Drink This, Not That

Mechanic Builds "World's Smallest Hummer"

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Top 15 Modern Black And White Films

"Once the days of color movies were well established, a few directors returned to black and white - either for effect, or sometimes even cost. This list is a summary of the best work produced in black and white in modern times. By modern I mean movies that were made using black and white for effect even though color was the most common film format."


Getting To Know The Hitlers

"For more than 50 years, the relatives of Adolf Hitler have hidden under false names in Long Island, New York. They have not spoken publicly since the Second World War. In a revelatory new book to be launched this week, they break their silence. David Gardner tells their story."


Color Sense Game

"The Color Sense Game helps you discover your color preferences based on your five senses, your interests and your style. This game is meant to be enlightening and entertaining, a quiz that allows you to shed some light on your color personality."


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday's Links

20 Most Fascinating Prehistoric Paintings

How To Clean Stuff

Top 45 free Music Websites

"Pronounce" Tells You How To Say It (Firefox application)

10 Deepest Lakes On Earth (Beautiful Pics)

Top 10 Most Worthless College Majors

"College is a great place to learn and have fun. But let’s not kid ourselves, some degrees are as useless as the plot in a Michael Bay film. Here’s a list of 10 degrees that may be interesting, but do jack shit for you in the real world."


Pic Of The Day

This site lets you leave a public anonymous message to another road user using their car number / license plate. From here you can leave a message for any driver in the world or check for messages that have been left for your (or anyone else's) car number plate."


Recover Lost Passwords With Free Tools

"ACCESS DENIED. Those two bone-chilling words are the last thing you want to see when you're trying to log into a system or open a file, but they're not necessarily a dead end. Several free tools can help you find lost passwords you can't remember or that your computer has saved but obscured."
