Monday, May 26, 2008

What People Thought The Future Would Look Like, 100 Years Ago


Hippo Spa

Cat Hired As Station Chief Brings Passengers Back

"A money-losing Japanese train company has found the purr-fect pet mascot to draw crowds and bring back business — tabby Tama. All the 9-year-old female cat does is sit by the entrance of Kishi Station in western Japan, wearing a black uniform cap and posing for photos for the tourists who are now flocking in droves from across the nation."


If $4 Gas Is Bad, Just Wait

"If oil hits $200 a barrel, which is the upper end of Goldman Sach's prediction for prices over the next six months to two years, the gasoline picture changes quite dramatically. At $200 a barrel, crude alone would cost $4.76 a gallon. Add on the costs of refining and distributing as well as taxes, and pump prices could rise to a range of $6 to $7 a gallon."


Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Quest For Every Beard Type

"I’ve been growing a beard every winter for some years now, and every spring, I try to see how many facial hair variations as I can check off from the chart of facial hair types. Listed below are descriptions of the 34 facial hair types from the chart, including examples of the 19 24 variations that I’ve been able to attain so far."


Sunday's Links

Fake TV Burglar Deterrent Device

Top 50 Atheism Quotes

Fix A Stripped Screw Hole With A Golf Tee

Starving May Fend Off Jet Lag

The Possible Inspiration Behind The Movie, "The Strangers"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Teen Decomposes Plastic Bag In Three Months

"Plastic takes thousands of years to decompose -- but 16-year-old science fair contestant Daniel Burd made it happen in just three months. The Waterloo, Ontario high school junior figured that something must make plastic degrade, even if it does take a millennia, and that something was probably bacteria."


Supercook - The Intelligent Recipe Search Engine

"Supercook is a new recipe search engine that finds recipes you can make with the ingredients you have at home. To begin, simply start adding ingredients you have. The more ingredients you add, the better the results will be."


Sunday, May 18, 2008

50 Amazingly Helpful Tips For The Kitchen

"You know all of those helpful kitchen-related suggestions that old-timers are so willing to share with the younger generations? These little tips and tricks might be called “kitchen hacks” these days, but they’re still the same good old nuggets of wisdom that they always were. As with any old wives’ tale, hack, or tip, your mileage may vary. Some of these gems have been around for several lifetimes - and according to most grandmas, they really work."


Top 25 Things We Wish Would Make A Comeback

"Remember when opening a toy package just meant opening the box lid and didn't require power tools? How about phone booths where people had their conversations in private?

Click through our gallery as we count down's list of the top 25 things that they wish would make a comeback. Some of their picks have virtually disappeared, while others may still be around but are becoming more and more rare."


Sunday's Links

10 Items You Think Make You Cool, But Don't

10 Unmanliest Drinks In The World

US Wastes 27% Of Food Available For Consumption

Best Invention Since Peanut Butter

Electronic-Eating "Crazy Raspberry Ants"

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Five Classics Written Under The Influence

"Many writers seek extreme experiences, including getting drunk / high / ecstatic / wasted / buzzed. And while we're not exactly advocating altered states here, it did seem to take the edge off their writer's block. So, who says drugs and alcohol aren't useful? For one thing, they're responsible for some of the world's greatest literature Here are 5 classics written under the influence."


Dada's Boy - A Reexamination Of Chris Farley's Tragically Short Career

"Farley landed on SNL in 1990, where he distinguished himself in just his fourth episode as a male stripper competing with Patrick Swayze. But everything went immediately wrong: The drugs got harder, the drinking more destructive. After his first SNL season, Farley made a drunken cameo at Second City, the venerable Chicago theater where he’d come up, and got booed off the stage."


Exposure - Afterword By Mary Ellen Mark

"I GREW UP looking at photographs. I would come home from school, play with my dog, Mickey, and go through old scrapbooks with pictures of family, on vacation, at weddings, and just snapshots in general. I was fascinated by that sense of time stopping and a moment being preserved forever. I was also mesmerized by how people changed over time with age and how the dress and customs of another era were so different."


Free Music: 22 Sites That Are Driving A Dagger IntoThe Heart Of The RIAA

"Here’s a quick roundup of some of the websites where you can find the music that you love for free. The market for these kind of websites is exploding so it’s definitely not a complete list but it should give you a good start."


Monday, May 12, 2008

Alaskan Playground

"Some people build swimming pools in their back yards. But outdoor pools in Alaska just won't work. Since this particular family lives on the outskirts of Anchorage, they decided to build a sturdy, colorful playground for their 3 and 4 year old sons, with smooth-stone gravel all around it to avoid knee scrapes and other injuries.

They finished building it on Saturday evening, and the following morning, as mom was about to wake up the boys and have them go out to play in their new play center, this is what she saw from the upstairs window."


10 Celebrities Who Should Have Died Young

"Some people overstay their welcome. Like the house guest thats great for the first few days but eventually drinks all the beer and won’t get off your couch, some celebrities just stick around too long. Whether they become drunks, failures, criminals, perverts or worst of all; George Lucases (Luci?), later actions ruin their legacy. Below are the top 10 celebrities who could have been remembered fondly, if only they left in the year suggested."


Friday, May 9, 2008

10 Best Moms Ever

"From the loving strength of Dumbo's mom to the caring overkill of The Joy Luck Club mothers, here's's salute to the most significant moms ever."


10 Worst Moms Ever

"Obsessing over wire hangers, putting a hit out on your own son, implanting never-ending neuroticism into your kid. What won't these bad moms do? The answer: love their children the right way.'s selections for the worst moms ever."


Mind Blowing Pictures From National Geographic


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lola - The Cat That Walks On Her Front Paws

Top 10 Great Revenge Movies

"Revenge is one of our most primal instincts. The need to inflict suffering and punishment on those who have wronged us goes back to our days in the dark old caves. Because movies about turning the other cheek are a lot less interesting than movies about stabbing someone through the cheek, there have been a pile of great revenge films over the years."


17 Stunning Auditoriums And Theatres From The Ancient World

"Some of the most fascinating man-made structures on earth are the massive auditoriums that were once used for theatrical performances, music shows, as well for more sinister purposes such as violent wild animal shows and gladiatorial contests. These awesome theatres have a historical stigma attached to them, and in some cases, history is still being made because some are still being used today."


The Origins Of Exercise Equipment

"The Swedish physician Gustav Zander̢۪s institute in Stockholm, founded in the late nineteenth century and stocked with twenty-seven of his custom-built machines, was the first "gym" in the sense that we know the word today."


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

50 Ways To Help The Planet

"'Going green' doesn't have to be a daunting task that means sweeping life changes. Simple things can make a difference. The contents of this list might not be new, but they bear repeating. Sometimes it takes a few reminders for things take root."



Dolphin With Artificial Tail

"This is an amazing story of a dolphin which got a second chance to swim. Winter had lost her tail in a crab trap and was found two years ago off the cost of Florida when she was two months old. She was taken to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium where the vets nursed her back to life."


Wednesday's Links

The Largest Insects On The Planet

13 More Things Your Auto Mechanic Won't Tell You

Death Of The SUV

Animal Kingdom's Odd Couples

Cigarette Smoking Is Good For Birds

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

75 Skills Every Man Should Master

"A man can be expert in nothing, but he must be practiced in many things. Skills. You don't have to master them all at once. You simply have to collect and develop a certain number of skills as the years tick by. People count on you to come through. That's why you need these, to start."


Reducing Your Debt With Micropayments

"An albatross around your neck. A monkey on your back. Whatever you call it, consumer debt can be a huge burden. While there are a number of different debt reduction strategies out there. I wanted to take a moment to highlight a useful technique that my pal NCN used to dig his way out of debt: micropayments."


Saturday, May 3, 2008

How Your Computer Is Five Times Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat

" Computer keyboards can harbor more harmful bacteria than a lavatory seat, it has been claimed. Many users are at risk of becoming ill with stomach bugs, according to the consumer group Which?


The Children Of The Cellar

"The boys knew the world only through television and the little that their mother remembered. And so now, Stefan Fritzl, 18, and his little brother Felix, 5, are getting used to sunlight. After spending their entire lives imprisoned in a cramped, windowless cellar deep underground along with their mother, Elisabeth, they are now being cared for in a special wing of a clinic near Amstetten, Austria."


The Origin Of Booze

"A historical look at the stuff that gets us hammered. Who’s ready for the first round?"
