Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday's Links

1001 Rules For My Unborn Son

World's Biggest Airplanes

Face Of Neanderthal Woman Revealed For First Time

Animal Splicer 1.0

Beautiful Examples Of Rain Photography

Twisted Torture Techniques

"These outdated techniques, ostensibly designed to extract confessions, were often so brutal that death was either a direct or an indirect result. How long it took for death to come could depend not only on the technique, but also on its application by the torturer."


Scenes From North Korea

"What photography comes out of North Korea is either state-produced, state-approved, or at the very least state-managed (visitors are restricted in their movement). Still, if you look over the following images with those restrictions in mind, one can still get some idea of life in North Korea in 2008. These photos were all taken within the past six months - some taken from the borders, peering in, others provided by North Korea itself..."


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday's Links

The Best 1,000 Movies Ever

Lonely Chicken Finds Soulmate In Cat

9 Of The Largest Robberies Of All Time

Tea "Healthier" Drink Than Water

8 Meatless Dishes For Meat-n-Taters Lovers

Tenant Leaves £5k Mound Of Rubbish In Flat

"Dirty tenant turned his home into a rubbish tip by cramming it with more than 1000 burger and Kentucky Fried Chicken cartons. Landlord Chris Dowling couldn't believe his eyes, or nose, when confronted with the squalor the man had left behind."
